The Demolition Process in Brisbane: Things You Should Know

Before beginning any house demolition Brisbane, removal, or relocation project on your property, it’s important to first determine if your plans require planning approval. To do so, you should research the essentials about your property and consider whether the work you plan to do constitutes acceptable development. 

If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact your local city council for guidance.

Concrete Removal Brisbane

House Demolition Brisbane as an Accepted Development

In most cases, planning approval is not required for demolition projects in the Brisbane area. However, there are certain circumstances under which approval is necessary. These include projects that take place on a Heritage Register site, projects that involve a building with commercial character, and projects that involve the demolition of a “rooming accommodation” (also known as a “registered boarding house”).

Additionally, if your property was built before 1911, you may need to obtain planning approval before demolition can take place. It’s also worth noting that, in some cases, planning approval may be required for house demolition Brisbane projects that take place on sites in the traditional building character overlay, even if the entire building was constructed after 1946. 

To determine whether or not your project requires planning approval, you should consider the guidelines outlined in the Brisbane City Plan 2014 and consult with the council as needed.

Minor Demolition as an Accepted Development

In some cases, minor demolition work on a home located within the traditional building character overlay or the Pre-1911 building overlay may not require planning approval. Examples of such work include the demolition of an interior wall or fixture, the demolition of a stair, and the demolition of any structure built after 1946, such as an addition, extension, or freestanding outbuilding. 

If you plan to tear down an addition or renovation that was built after 1946 and rebuild it using the original blueprints and materials, you generally will not need planning approval. However, you should be aware that windows, doors, balustrades, window hoods, and fretwork installed in a building before 1946 may need to be replaced if you plan to tear down the building and rebuild it. In these cases, the council may issue a heritage exemption certificate if they determine that the work will have a minimal impact on the site.

It’s worth noting that any demolition of a building or structure in a principal or major centre zone, where a temporary park will be created as a result of the house demolition Brisbane, will require planning approval and will be code assessable. In these cases, a statutory declaration from the landowner stating that construction work will begin on the site within three months of the demolition may be required to demonstrate a committed program.

House Demolition Brisbane that Requires Application

If your demolition project requires a planning application, it is recommended that you seek expert guidance and consult with a specialist consultant. Expert testimony may be necessary to support your case, and in some cases, a report from a structural engineer may be required if you are claiming that the building’s structural integrity is compromised. To ensure the smooth processing of your application, it is advisable to provide all necessary documentation and follow the requirements and guidelines set by the city council.

Building Approval

Obtaining approval for a house demolition Brisbane project typically involves obtaining a special permit from the local council and following the necessary guidelines and requirements. The approval process for a building is separate from the approval process for a site plan, and it is recommended that you work with a certified private building certifier to facilitate the process. To obtain approval, you will need to provide detailed, scaled plans created by a drafts person or architect to the certifier. 

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission maintains a search tool on their website that allows you to locate private building certifiers in your area. It’s worth noting that obtaining the necessary approvals and following the proper procedures is important to ensure the safety and legality of your demolition project.

Commercial Demolition Brisbane

Special Requirements for House Relocation

If you are planning to relocate a residence into the Brisbane City Council area, you will need to submit an application for assessment of dwelling relocation as required by the Queensland Development Code. It is also possible that you will need permission from the local government where the dwelling is currently located to remove it before it can be moved to Brisbane. 

It is important to follow the proper procedures and obtain the necessary approvals to ensure that the relocation process is smooth and compliant with the relevant regulations.

Other Permits

In addition to planning and building approvals, you may need to obtain other permits for your house demolition Brisbane project, such as plumbing approval to cap off the sewer or a footpath permit to allow a truck to cross a footpath. It is important to identify any additional permits or approvals that may be required and to obtain them before starting your project to ensure that it is carried out safely and legally.

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